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Winfan FRP

Winfan FRP Fan

WINFAN Industrial Centrifugal Fan – Winfan FRP Fan

Winfan FRP centrifugal fans use Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic to resist corrosion in corrosive environments. Their impeller spins, generating centrifugal force that propels air outward. Housed in a casing, airflow is directed efficiently. Inlet and outlet design, along with impeller and casing size, affect airflow rate and pressure. The motor, usually positioned outside the airflow, drives the impeller rotation.

FRP construction offers corrosion resistance, durability, and lightweight properties, easing installation and maintenance. These fans serve industries like chemical processing, wastewater treatment, and marine applications, where corrosive gases prevail. They’re also used in ventilation systems for their corrosion resistance and low maintenance requirements.

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